Dear Martial Arts friends,
We invite you to participate in the greatest martial arts tournament ever held.
For the first time all kinds of martial arts will meet in a World Championship called Olympics of Martial Arts.
The organizers of this tournament are two world’s largest federations– TYGA INTERNATIONAL (TY-GA) and INTERNATIONAL STREETFIGHTING UNION (ISU).
The champions of this 1st super event will go into history.
This tournament will include Karate, Kung-fu, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Kick Boxing and Street Fighting.
The ISU World Championship is the 1st in the history of Reality Martial Arts and will highlight the champions in MMA, Knife fighting, Stick fighting, Self-defense, etc.
The TYGA World Championships have been organized for 32 years and is an event-milestone in the martial arts world.
So, we invite you and your athletes to take part in this unique event and wish you every success.